2025 Ski School Registration Form 2025 Skicousi Ski Lessons Step 1 of 5 20% Group LessonsRegister here for a great selection of Group lessons. Please fill out one form for each person you are registering for ski lessons.Maximum class size: 6-7 members maximum.Cost: The price is $175.00. All group classes run for 7 weeks. Classes run on each scheduled ski Thursday from 11:00 am to 12:30 pm. ** NO Lessons on January 30, 2025 – Ellicottville ** *Please note: Any item marked with a red asterisk is required. Other lesson options: Looking to arrange private lessons or a Level One instructors’ course? For more information, please email Christine Eades at info@skicousi.ca ****SKI SCHOOL REGISTRATION FEES ARE NON-REFUNDABLE.Step 1: Membership ConfirmationThese lessons are for Skicousi members only. No guests, please. Non-member applications for lessons will not be accepted. Any payments made by non-members will be refunded.Don’t miss out! Join Skicousi or renew your membership.Current Member*I understand that I can register for lessons only if I am currently a Skicousi member. Yes, I am a Skicousi member and have paid my fees for this year. Step 2: Select a LevelOur classes are sorted into the following skill groupsBEGINNER: includes first-timers to those comfortable on all green hillsINTERMEDIATE: can do linked turns on all blue runs and willing to go fasterADVANCED: comfortable on steeper hills with some blacks, faster speeds may include varied terrainEXPERT: can handle all terrain, double black runs, moguls, ice, racing, fast and in control at all timesChoose a Class* Select a Level Skiing (Beginner) Skiing (Intermediate) Skiing (Advanced) Skiing (Expert) Snowboarding (Intermediate) Snowboarding (Advanced) Snowboarding (Expert) Preferred InstructorIf you would like to take lessons with a specific instructor, enter their name below. We can’t guarantee any specific instructor’s availability, but we will try to match you up if possible.Your Skicousi FriendsIf you would like to be in the same class as one or more other Skicousi members, enter their name(s) below. We can’t guarantee to group you with your friends, but we will try to match you up if possible. Step 3: Personal InformationHas your personal information changed? Yes If yes, indicate the item that has changed.First Name*Last Name*Address*City*Postal Code*Make sure your email address is correct! Once you click Submit, the system will email you a complete copy of your application. If you do not get a confirmation, please send Jan Stringer an email at info@skicousi.ca.Email* Enter Email Confirm Email Home Phone Number*If you do not have a home phone number, type in zeros.Cell Phone Number*If you do not have a cell phone number, type in zeros. Step 4: PaymentYou are registering for one set of lessons. ****SKI SCHOOL REGISTRATION FEES ARE NON-REFUNDABLE.Your eTransfer Information*IMPORTANT: The only payment method is to send an eTransfer to etransfers.skicousi@gmail.com I will send an eTransfer payment from my bank account. Name on Your Bank Account*Please indicate the name that is on the bank account that you will use to send the eTransfer amount to pay for Lessons. This information will be used to match the Lesson registration form data with your eTransfer data.Paying for multiple membersIf you are sending an eTransfer for multiple members, please type in all the member’s names in the text box below. **** PLEASE eTRANSFER THE LESSON REGISTRATION FEE AT THE TIME OF REGISTRATION. **** In the eTransfer “Message Box” please indicate the names of the members you are registering. Step 5: Submit This FormOnce you click the Submit button at the bottom of this page, we will record your registration. Please send your payment by eTransfer to etransfers.skicousi@gmail.comCAPTCHANameThis field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged. Δ